Obtain Foreign Deposition Subpoenas with the Aid of a Professional Attorney

by | Mar 30, 2015 | Attorney

It can be difficult for an out of state attorney to obtain a foreign deposition subpoena. Law firms that need a deposition subpoena in the state of Nevada can rely on the assistance of local attorneys that can obtain them from Reno and Las Vegas, Clark County. The state of Nevada recognizes and uses the Uniform Depositions and Discovery Act that is codified in EDCR 2.80 and NRS 53.170. Along with the use of the act, expert law firms can also provide the use of a conference room and other facilities that allow a deposition to be conducted. All documents, filed and otherwise, used in the pursuit of a subpoena are given to the appropriate parties, as well.

A Reliable and Trustworthy Subpoena Process

It is vital to use the services of a law firm that are reliable and trustworthy in the process of the issuance and serving of a deposition subpoena. Typically a deposition subpoena served out of state is for a trial that is going to be conducted in another state. This type of legal service can be obtained through a network of attorneys that have process servers ready to provide prompt service. This allows an out of state law firm to focus more on the case instead of tracking witnesses down at another location.

The Subpoena Process

Before the process of serving a subpoena can begin, it is essential that court policies are ascertained to show prevailing laws per state, fees, and deadlines. Then local counsel can be arranged if it is necessary. All paperwork is then prepared so it can be filed with the proper court. Once this is finished, a subpoena can be issued, and filing fees need to be paid. The subpoena itself is then served, and a witness fee is also paid. The law firm that ordered the service will receive all of the original documents that were filed in the proper state so they can then be filed again in accordance with the appropriate court.

You Require Honest Service

When it comes to remaining within the law, it is essential that out of state law firms retain the services of attorneys that have integrity concerning subpoenas. The entire process should be transparent with clients receiving updates concerning the status of their deposition subpoenas. It is essential that a law firm has the integrity required to complete the task and provide all of the necessary information in a timely fashion.

The Law Office of Hayes & Welsh can obtain a foreign deposition subpoena for clients that require legal services upheld with honesty and integrity. Contact them today to learn more about the subpoena process and how they can assist you in obtaining a subpoena in the state of Nevada.

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