Avoid Damaging Mistakes by Working With a Criminal Defense Law Firm in Tyler TX

by | Sep 21, 2018 | Attorney

Anyone facing a criminal charge faces a serious situation that carries the potential for lifetime consequences. When a person is arrested and charged with an offense, it’s only natural for them to try to defend themselves. However, attorneys advise against this. Regardless of the nature of the charges, work with a Criminal Defense Law Firm in Tyler TX and avoid these mistakes.

Delaying Hiring a Lawyer

Criminal defense attorneys often find that the most serious mistake a potential client can make is to wait to hire legal counsel. No matter the severity of the case, anything involving a criminal charge requires the skilled legal assistance of a criminal defense lawyer. Before speaking to anyone, ask a lawyer to speak instead.

Offering Evidence

When a person is first accused of a criminal offense, they will face questions from law enforcement officials and requests for evidence. Suspects have the Constitutional right to remain silent until speaking with an attorney, as well as protection from unlawful searches and seizures. Avoid volunteering evidence by allowing a search of a home or vehicle, providing samples, or making statements without discussing the case with an attorney.

Resisting Arrest

Trying to resist the police will only damage the defense and bring additional charges. When a person is arrested, their best option is to comply while maintaining their right to remain silent. Don’t provide evidence at the scene of the crime and call a lawyer immediately.

Contacting Witnesses

With any criminal proceeding, it is unlawful for the suspect to contact a witness, even if their intentions are pure. This is a form of witness tampering and it could harm the defense or result in more charges. Do not speak to anyone other than a Criminal Defense Law Firm in Tyler TX about the case.

Being charged with a crime doesn’t make a person automatically guilty. Let a skilled law firm handle the defense and achieve a fair outcome. Begin by avoiding these mistakes that may damage the defense and contact a lawyer as soon as possible after an arrest. Call the Law Office of Holmes & Moore P.L.L.C. or visit their website for more details. Visit our Google+ page.

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