For most, being off of work for an extended period of time creates financial burdens. Therefore, many with illnesses or impairments file for disability insurance.
The Social Security Administration has the duty of evaluating disability claims. They call it a five-step evaluation process to determine if a person is eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits. However, across the United States, hundreds of thousands of disability claims are denied yearly.
While most states have advocated helping file claims, those in Tennessee can find Tennessee disability denial claims attorneys to help file a claim.
Some of the common reasons claims are denied include the following:
Income and Resources
This is one of the primary eligibility criteria. If the filer’s income exceeds the program limits or no information is available Regarding income, the claim may be denied.
Medical Eligibility
Tennessee disability denial claims attorneys ensure that claimants qualify and the claimants have a valid disability or medical condition that prevents the person from working. Those conditions must meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability.
Failure to Cooperate
Persons failing to return requested documentation, attend medical evaluations, or cooperate with the Social Security Administration during the application process will have their claims denied.
Substantial Gainful Activity
Social Security disability is intended for those who are unable to engage in substantial gainful activities. If the Social Security Administration deems an illness or disability not up to standards, a claim will be denied.
Failure to Meet Non-Medical Requirements
In addition to being eligible, a person must have citizenship, age, and other factors to meet the requirements for disability.
In addition to providing effective and aggressive representation for those filing claims or who have claims denied, these attorneys are compassionate and understanding. Contact Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC, if you plan to file or have recently been denied. Visit for more information!